Versión imprimible de Avalon Spy al estilo de Saul Bass.
Está diseñada en blanco y negro para una económica impresión.
Tamaño: cuadrado, fácil de transportar.
- El juego base
- La Dama del lago (llamada "Confidente")
- Miniguía de misiones
- Cartas de misión que, al darles la vuelta, indica si has ganado o perdido dicha misión.
Una adaptación del juego para los pequeños. Incluye Scalibour y Lancelot. Este archivo son las reglas.
El servidor no me permitió alojar el archivo de las cartas, a las cuales pueden acceder en este link:
Rituel de début de partie à diffuser sur un smartphoine ou un ordi afin d'automatiser le début de partie et de mettre les joueurs dans l'ambiance !
This ZIP file contains 12 mp3s, one for each possible configuration of characters. That is, there is a file for the basic game, a file for using all the optional characters (Percival, Morgana, Mordred, and Oberon), and one for every possible combination in between. Simply use the file appropriate to the setup being used.
These audio files aren't as elaborate as the one uploaded by kookoobah, but they get the job done.
I just edit the file to contain only Merlin
(removing Percival, Oberon, Morgana, Mordred)
Inspired by kookoobah's post below, here is a German version of the standard pre-game ritual - as well as an extended version for the expansions/promos. The mp3-files were created using computer voice-output and free foley sound-effects. The pronunciation is a little wobbly, but at least no-one has to memorize the text!
When I first started playing Avalon, I turned to the internet for guidance on strategy and found very few resources. I wanted to help the next generation of Avalon players, and the idea for this guide was born.
What started out as a small project (intended to be finished in a weekend) rapidly became something *much more* involved, and the guide took several months, and the assistance of others, to complete.
The guide is *very* long, but the first couple of pages provide an explanation as to how to use the guide. Constructive feedback and comments welcome.
Good luck with the game, and most importantly: have fun!
The Avalon audio ritual in Portuguese. No one wants to narrate the initial setup? No worries. Just download this file and play it on your phone/tablet. Made by me and my friend Pessoa. Thumbs up if you enjoy it!
Rules summary that fit into 57mm x 90mm card sleeves. Copy paste to other columns to print more copies.