You're required to pay special assessments. They're listed on your Hennepin County Property Tax Statement.
A pending special assessment may be prepaid without interest by November 15th of the year before it is levied.
If not prepaid, special assessments will be automatically collected with County property taxes. The majority of property owners opt to pay assessments over time through their property taxes. Prepay invoices are sent only by request and the taxpayer is solely responsible for requesting the invoice. Partial payments are not accepted.
To learn the payoff amount, please contact the Special Assessments office and request a pre-pay invoice:
The Special Assessment Office is responsible for assessments originating from the Public Works Department
A special assessment may be collected in a single payment or spread out over a number of years.
Interest is charged on special assessments at an interest rate determined by the Minneapolis Finance Department.
Street resurfacing projects
2023 uniform assessment rates:
Street resurfacing projects
2023 interest rates:
This uniform assessment is a rate that's multiplied by the influence area to calculate each assessment amount . The total square footage is multiplied by the length and width. This number is then multiplied by the uniform assessment rate. (Influence Area x Uniform Assessment rate= Assessment Amount)
Your assessment may vary from your neighbors. That is because not all parcels are the same size. Some parcels are not located entirely within the project influence area.
Street reconstruction projectsThe interest is calculated based on the unpaid balance, so the interest amount decreases slightly each year .
For a more detailed description Watch our 2023 Street Reconstruction Special Assessment Presentation Show responseThe City may defer the payment of special assessments for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years or older or retired due to a permanenant and total disability for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments (City Council Resolutions 2015R-222).
Watch an overview presentation that specifically addresses Special Assessments for street resurfacing projects.
Show responseWatch an overview presentation that specifically addresses Special Assessments for street reconstruction projects.
Pending Special assessments can be prepaid to the City of Minneapolis up to November 25th each year.
To learn the pay off amount before November 25th, contact 311
After November 25th, pre-payments can no longer be accepted and special assessments must be paid through Hennepin County property taxes.
If you need help with this information, please email 311, or call 311 or 612-673-3000.
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