There are 7 Editions of the The Bible Unpacked, available in multiple formats (cf. The 7 Editions – Online and The 7 Editions – PDFs & eBooks). There are Bible study questions for 4 of the editions.
For the PDF format, there are four series of topical Bible studies – below. They contain the same text as the editions they are based on, with questions added. (Blind and vision impaired users can contact this site for accessible copies.)
free Concise Bible studies series." width="300" height="221" />
This series of free Bible studies is based on the Concise Edition. It is for new or young Christians.
The series has two booklets, which contain four chapters each. The chapters would usually require a session or two to complete.
For a simple printing option, go to Single Chapters.
free Foundations Bible studies series." width="300" height="221" />
This series of free Bible studies is based on the Foundations Edition. It is for Christians wanting a firm grounding in their faith. It is very good for studies with newer or older-teenage believers.
It is comprised of eight booklets, with five chapters each. The chapters would usually require one or two study sessions to complete.
For a simple printing option, go to Single Chapters.
Zip file of whole series. Mobiles might need an app to download a zip file.
This series of free Bible studies is based on the Intermediate Edition. It is for Christians wanting to build on a basic understanding of the faith, and is excellent for Bible study groups.
The series is comprised of eight booklets, with five chapters each. All chapters have two major sections. Each section would usually require one or two study sessions to complete.
For a simple printing option, go to Single Chapters.
Zip file of whole series. (Mobiles might need an app.)
This series of free Bible studies is based on the Comprehensive Edition. It is for Christians wanting to study particular topics in more depth, and is well suited to Bible study groups.
The studies are in 40 booklets (see below) with two sections each. Each section would usually require one or two sessions to complete.